Wednesday, April 23, 2008

It Bears Repeating

Where would the flowers be, without the manure heaped on top of it?

Could a seed ever grow, if it wasn't first placed into a deep, dark, horrible hole?

Would the wine taste as wonderful, if the grapes had not been smashed, scrapped, and left to sit in what had been squeezed out of them to begin with?

Can a sunrise be as beautiful, if there was never a dark night to rise above?

If not for the suffering of the oyster, would there ever be an expensive pearl left behind?

Can passing a test ever be as precious, if first you have never failed?

Would laughter be as wonderful, if tears never came to your eyes?

Can their ever be victory, if there isn't something to overcome?

Can anyone truly start over, if they haven't lost a thing to begin with?

Like the flower you may not understand why it is that you have to put up with so much manure this world dumps on you. But the manure makes you all the more beautiful when you rise above it.

Like the seed you may feel like there will never be an escape from the dark place you are in. But the dirt keeps you grounded when you finally break through and reach for the sky.

Like the grape, you may be beat down, and pushed and pulled and left to stew in your own pain. But the longer you endure the more sweet and powerful you become.

Like the sun, you may wonder if it will ever be your time to shine. But without your dark days, why would anyone come to you to help light their way?

Like the oyster you may wonder if there is a point to your suffering at all. But when you give up your struggle and open your heart for the world to see, they will find a pearl of great wisdom left behind.

You may have failed, you may have cried, and you may have lost it all.
But without these experience would you ever appreciate what you have at all? And could you ever learn, that sometimes even the worst things that happen to us, are the very things that make us greatest of all.


(Click on next title - Poem to encourage people suffering)

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