Sunday, August 24, 2008

Make A Life Worth Living

An expensive house is not as valued as the laughter and love the inhabits the space inside someones home.

It is not the automobile that is essential, but a person's will to go from one place to another that creates the journey.

Outward beauty fades, perfect bodies wither, but a kind, giving and cheerful spirit lives on forever.

One thousand words of fear and hate will never accomplish what one single word of encouragement can.

To give to others is to build, to take from others only tears down.

To want more is poverty, but to be content is to have it all.

A smile in a room filled with frowns is as the sun on the most glorious of summer's days.

To rule over others creates resentment, but to lead with a servants heart is to make life long friends.

So laugh and love and go where your heart takes you.
Be kind and giving and have a cheerful attitude.
Encourage and give to those who need it.
Be content with all you have.
And if you do all these things and you never forget to smile,
you will be a great leader in this world,
and you will have made a life that is truly worth living.



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